Excellent outdoor gear of the highest quality, although I’ve largely worn these items as everyday city wear. Excellent quality (lightweight, stretchy, durable). Although not particularly fashionable, minimalist design is appealing. Although the price is high, you get what you pay for.
Arc’teryx’s iconic Beta jacket comes in a variety of lines and special editions, it is the world’s most waterproof garment.
There is no competition when it comes to shell coats. Patagonia’s lineup is much inferior to that of Arc’teryx. From a performance perspective, Arc’teryx is still generally a superior choice than Patagonia for other jacket categories.
Arc’teryx, which has its headquarters in the remote Coast Mountains of Canada, was founded on the idea of meticulous design and manufacture. Their distinctive internal production and design facilities enable them to innovate and construct items correctly.
Salomon Group, which is/was owned by Adidas, bought Arc’teryx in January 2001. Amer Sports bought the Salomon Group from Adidas in May 2005. The Chinese Anta Sports group has controlled the Amer Sports Corporation since 2019. [wikipedia.org]