
These are the things that I use to make this site run like a well-oiled machine.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet metus a massa vulputate pharetra sagittis et ex. Nullam sed ligula quis nulla suscipit pellentesque. Integer facilisis mauris vel turpis congue ullamcorper. Donec dignissim dapibus sollicitudin. Quisque feugiat purus lacus, sed pharetra mi pharetra non. Quisque tincidunt magna commodo rutrum euismod. Curabitur eu ante vel nibh rutrum convallis non nec eros. Donec fermentum pharetra feugiat. Sed accumsan sapien id erat efficitur commodo. Morbi eu viverra nunc, at bibendum ipsum.
We have recently moved to WP Engine which we really really like. They have great security and great support. That checks off the two biggest concerns on my checklist!
Another good hosting alternative is BlueHost
Domain Registrar: Dynadot
WordPress Theme: Generate Press
Power Supply: GoalZero Sherpa 100PD
Laptop: Apple MackBook Pro 16″
Camera: Canon DSLR
Other Cameras: iPhone
“Action” camera: GoPro, DJI
Small Tripod: Manfrotto
Outfitter of choice: Quest Outdoors
Class I took to learn how to make a killer affiliate site: Authority Hacker
Class to learn about nitty-gritty SEO: Semantic Mastery
Course I am developing about small websites that make money: Internet Vending Machines